If your home fish tank is this big, you may need more equipment than is covered in this article :-) Periodic cleaning of your fish tank is essential to maintaining the health and beauty of all who...
Revealing Natures Secrets for the Perfect Home Aquarium
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In this article, we will provide you with the reasons why fish get sick and what you can do to prevent it as well as a guide to diagnosing many of the most common fish diseases. This guide will also...
Ammonia and nitrite imbalances are invisible fish killers that can be kept in check if you test and treat your aquarium water. For healthy, thriving fish, water conditions in the aquarium need to be...
A fish tank is an amazing addition to your home, but they can produce waste material in the water for all to see. If you want to keep your aquarium crystal clear, keep your fish healthy and long...
I have my fish, now how do I set up my aquarium? In this article, we will explain how to set up an aquarium including: preparing the substrate, preparing the tank, preparing the water, installing...
In this article we will cover everything you need to know about betta fish tanks, including: the ideal betta fish tank size, essential aquarium accessories, betta favored decorations and maintenance....